Friday, April 30, 2010

lollipop :) *yummmmmm* 

IP Man 2 today! Not bad actually. Felt like learning "wing chun" just now. hahaha. but some parts of the mov was quite ..hmmm.. fake. not very.. OMGish. but still.. 

xiaoming huang <3

hehe.. you should definitely watch it! ip man's student, leung wong(xiaoming huang) cutenesss!! <3 hehehe... eh. wait. thats not the point!! the point is.. AH OMGEEEE he is cuteeeee!! just watch the show! cool kungfu moves + cute guy + overall, its not a bad show :)

tomorrow is BBQ day!!!! hehehe.. my first BBQ in singapore!! YAAAAAYYYYY!!! eh wait. its today !! OMFG!! ITS TODAY!!!! YYYYYAAAAAYYYYY!!!! hahahahahahaha.. omgeeee.. i should probably get some sleep now. 

p.s. lolli doesnt like lollipops. hahaha!
till the next time 
byeee :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010


just done watching "sky of love (koizora)" ..
he is super cute!!! <3 

mmm.. teenagers in love. poor hiro dies of cancer.. super supportive yu.. i think its all a bit too much. but its alright, i find it better than  "the art of seducing" ..
haha.. twirling the lollipop with her evil grin .. nice!

jer's class was canceled and as expected, the school didnt even call to inform us ~
in the end, ju,lau,liev,ren, dian, and i went 313 to collect liev's dvds. thats when i bought these two dvds.. and thats also when i realized i forgot to ask for money from mummy !!! had to borrow $10 from liev .. ==" im getting more and more forgetful .. is this the sign of aging? HAHA!! 
ow, i had another one today. maafkan aku chippy!! bukan semua salahku!! it was there and i was tempted.. it is "its" fault!! hehe.. i know you're smiling now arent you! hahaha :) once this is.. finished, wont get another so soon. pwomise :p
am i ready to face lolli again? so soon? haha.
alright, i'm off to bed.
till the next time....
byee :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Last night was so messed up. thank God i could finally get some sleep!! sighs. WTV!! its over!! 

anyhow anyway.. no class today! hehe.. but bored. like. hell !! wanted to read some php but.. hahaha! looking at the book makes me sleepy! so in the end, i played maple, watched "helen the fox" *the show is not bad.. though not as touching as "a tale of mari and the three puppies"!! but its still nice. you gotta love jap movies!* , then played boomz *aaahhh! had to create a new char. and this time i've got no gold!! can you believe it?! evil game.. but still.. funnnn!!! hehe*, then.. ugly betty and, now ..i'm blogging!!

sometimes, some people are just so insensitive and so blargh!! when they need your help they're so bloody nice to you, when they dont, they just chuck you aside and leave you there till they need you again. and in their opinion, you've got to put them in number one. ahead of everyone else in your life. i know these people are everywhere but i'm just so tired of them. throughout my 19+ years of life, i've had quite a number of these people in and out of my life. why cant i just leave? why cant i just stop thinking that they are my "friends"? i've honestly no idea why but i hope i'll get them out of my lives for good .. just have to keep in mind that these.. people.. are not friends. hey! but wtv right? shouldnt be wasting a part of my post talking bout this! 

ren created a website to invite people to his.. party kinda thing.. not the point.. the point is.. A WEBSITE!! with php ... PHP!! P BLOODY HP!!! i'm dripping with envy at his level of pro-ness in programming!
if only... ARGH!! just a little of that tiny drop!! ARGH!! 

chippy.. i broke the golden rule. but hear this first!! the packaging is nice!! it looks .. COOL!! i couldnt help it. IM SORRY!! and..its just one. so ... >_<  SORRY!!!!!

ah! i should probably sleep now :)
till the next time..

Monday, April 26, 2010


F*CK F*CK F*CK!!! ARGHHHH!!!! I'm so effin pissed!! What the farg is wrong with me!! Why am i so effin pissed with those effin people !!!! Feel so dumb right now. HAH! I could almost hear her saying " You are!" . WTF!  I'm losing my mind and i cant effin CALM DOWN!!  Why is this happening all over again???

Sunday, April 25, 2010

tenshi no koi

tenshi no koi (my rainy days) !! i love i love !! super romantic .. love love love !! the actress, rio, is like so pretty and the teacher she fell for,kouki, ... is like.. cant say super cute but... cute!!! his appearance is like soso.. but.. aaahhh!! cant be explained! you've got to watch the show to see how cute he is!! their phones and cameras are so bling-ed!! their nails as well!! omgeee ..can't wait till they release the soundtrack and dvd!! wooo!! wonder when that will be? 
been searching for the soundtracks last night .. found one, but that one wasn't really in the movie >_< but still.. btw.. thank you for helping chippy!!

shosuke tanihara *kouki*
my current desktop background <3
 this part is like soooooooo cute!!!!

anyway, here's the official website:

  • will he like it?
  • will he use it?
  • does lolli know?
  • should i start doing the research for ARCS? >.<
till the next time ..
byee :)

i'm back!

I'm blogging once again! Can't remember why I stopped that time.. hmm, but anyways .. eunice has returned to blogging land !! 
*hinthint : I'm expecting some "welcome back" greetings!* ;)
Well, I've got nothing much to say now.. so, until the next time ~

byee :)