Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Last night was so messed up. thank God i could finally get some sleep!! sighs. WTV!! its over!! 

anyhow anyway.. no class today! hehe.. but bored. like. hell !! wanted to read some php but.. hahaha! looking at the book makes me sleepy! so in the end, i played maple, watched "helen the fox" *the show is not bad.. though not as touching as "a tale of mari and the three puppies"!! but its still nice. you gotta love jap movies!* , then played boomz *aaahhh! had to create a new char. and this time i've got no gold!! can you believe it?! evil game.. but still.. funnnn!!! hehe*, then.. ugly betty and mercy..lol, now ..i'm blogging!!

sometimes, some people are just so insensitive and so blargh!! when they need your help they're so bloody nice to you, when they dont, they just chuck you aside and leave you there till they need you again. and in their opinion, you've got to put them in number one. ahead of everyone else in your life. i know these people are everywhere but i'm just so tired of them. throughout my 19+ years of life, i've had quite a number of these people in and out of my life. why cant i just leave? why cant i just stop thinking that they are my "friends"? i've honestly no idea why but i hope i'll get them out of my lives for good .. just have to keep in mind that these.. people.. are not friends. hey! but wtv right? shouldnt be wasting a part of my post talking bout this! 

ren created a website to invite people to his.. party kinda thing.. not the point.. the point is.. A WEBSITE!! with php ... PHP!! P BLOODY HP!!! i'm dripping with envy at his level of pro-ness in programming!
if only... ARGH!! just a little of that pro-ness..one tiny drop!! ARGH!! 

chippy.. i broke the golden rule. but hear this first!! the packaging is nice!! it looks .. COOL!! i couldnt help it. IM SORRY!! and..its just one. so ... >_<  SORRY!!!!!

ah! i should probably sleep now :)
till the next time..

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