Tuesday, June 1, 2010


First of June!! 
exactly 24 days to complete video and games assignment. 23 days for maya(don't know what torin is going to ask us to do yet) and ARCS. 25 days or more for ecommerce.  well.. OMFG! TIME IS RUNNING OUT!! no matter what, I've got to start taking my assigns seriously!ASAP!!
anyway, I'm now lvl 30! its super duper easy to level up with eran. but, i should probably stop mapling already. even if it is just a few minutes of playing.. right? *nods head furiously* RIGHT! okay..
i wish i could stop time then take my own sweet time doing everything. haha. if only :)
he.. haha. i don't know what he wants from me. the more i fade away the more he keeps pulling me back, then when i'm back.. he lets me fade away. guys are @#$&!!
anyway, should get back to ecommerce! 
till the next time..
byee :)

Monday, May 31, 2010


Its the last day of May 2010 already. Time sure flies fast. 4 weeks left till submission of our final assignments and I haven't really started with it. So far, I've done the complete interface designs, the story board, but haven't gone to real production yet. haha. I suppose I should start. Wanted to, but was in no mood to do anything today. Went back to KL on Friday and just got back on Sunday. Was suppose to do win's work on Saturday, but I ended up watching movies on lappy. My "ansos" mode was on and I didn't call/ sms anybody in KL 'cept for chip and weiling. SORRY about that. and weiling, hope all's well :)
movies I've watched last week:
ahhh! cute cute jake!! he definitely more attractive straight than gay :p
He played his character,dastan, quite well i think. Overall, i think the show is awesome!! Its my favorite show this month, for sure!
Finally got to watching this. They said its super funny, but I think its only okay. Didn't get me laughing my head off. Maybe I expected too much. But the show is silly. Not bad really.
L.O.V.E I.T!! Watched this right after "My GF is an Agent". It really caught my attention. I wonder if there are people out there who would actually pull such a prank. And Andy being the murderer?! It was quite unexpected. 
I don't mean to be mean but, sarah jessica parker looks.. old. lol. The show was funny! Watched this one after "Sorority Row". From thriller to comedy. Maybe thats why I thought this show funny. I mean after the killing.. then theres laughter. what am i saying.
Kafoo - Waiting for Happiness .. I don't really know what to say about this show. Its rather predictable at some point, and well.. the show isn't super bad..its not super good either. Watch this on the way back to Sg on Sunday.
Played maple today. Started the new character, eran, on thursday night :) will post pictures later. Now at lvl 24. I think I'll train up till lvl 25 before bed tonight. Gonna be starting Gary's work now.. CSI: NY Season 6 starting in 37mins! 
I miss him :(
Goodbye May and Hello June! 
till the next time..
byee :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Spent the whole morning lazying around "trying" to do some research and only got started on the presentation after lunch. LOL! but .. didn't present it well today. most probably cause i was super nervous!! wanted to have a stick before class but the stooooopid door was locked!! then had to wait there till the guard came to unlock it. deep sighs. morning failure.
liev said that we'll have to do programming or/and scripting if we're taking multimedia designs for degree :( i hate programming! wouldn't hate it that much if i know how to do it..at least a little, but theres been 2 subjects on that and i'm still *argh* with it! would seriously have to consider this if there will be more programming in the degree course. 
CHIPPY & SISKA GOT NEW JOB!! GOOD LUCK AT WORK!! wow.. dad and daughter. lol, but sis left the food industry and chip joined. hmm..
anyway, theres a test tomorrow. luckily its mcq :)
gonna go shower, then start typing ARCS notes ..
till the next time..
byee :)

Monday, May 24, 2010


i did it!! quite successfully actually, until when i got in shower and started to go through the events of the day. aaahhh!! haha..
i completed win's video work! YEAAHH!! everything went quite on time, its already printing..i hope. will collect it on wednesday. but win's game..now thats a problem. i can't seem to think of a simple interface for it. i need inspirations!! robot websites? sighs. have to start on ARCS tomorrow, then presentation on wednesday. OMGeeeeeee!! 
cute isnt he? 
ritongculous - new word created by sotong. LOL
wilson will be coming back on the 16th of dec !! and if all goes well, he'll be staying for 5 days!! see you soon my son!! hahaha
till the next time..
byee :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010


i lost it again last night. i have no idea what came over me. it just went BOOM. now i'm regretting it more than ever. wish i never spoke to him. all would've been better that way. but i wish you luck. the both of you. i think i'd be able to get over him faster that way. for now, i really have to control myself. lol. i reread what i wrote, and somehow i sound like the hulk or something.. "i have no idea what came over me, it just went BOOM" hahahaha.. but unfortunately thats what happened. what happened 5 years ago shouldn't have happened again. no, it shouldn't. and it wont .. THE END.
juju has new mac!!! YAY!! now the front row will have the most mac users!! hahahaha..
and i think liev bought Callate La Boca hoodie! YAY!!
and i haven't done my assigns! YAY!!
went to marina bay sands last night. the hotel itself is not bad, the design rather interesting but i was expecting something more exquisite. lol. but the shopping area, due to the on going construction .. was terrible! it was so stuffy and my eyes were stinging. i suppose the mall would look much better once its fully done. i hope. 
anyway, i better shower now and start my assignments!
till the next time..
byee :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


the doctor was hilarious! i wish i could've recorded the whole thing! "please take this seriously. you could die you know?" ROFLOL!! he really made my day :)
the ghost writer. two words. love it! definitely going to get the novel. the movie is quite slow paced but its interesting. pierce brosnan's laugh is .. ROFLOL!! the only parts that i didn't like in this movie are the hitting and shooting parts. well, its a good thing there wasn't much hitting or shooting otherwise the movie would be a total waste of time.  
last night was a disaster. i couldn't stop myself from doing what i did when i did it. i guess i was just so frustrated and then bam! its still red but luckily it didn't look very obvious. 
anyway, note to self: don't lose control eunice. stay focus!
assignments to complete by monday:
- game design (instruction/start page for all 3 games, editing of in-game design, game over scene for all 3 games)
- video storyboard to be completed and ready for printing
till the next time..
byee :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

yes. you. is. my. drug

i slept for 10 hours or more. hahaha. imagine that! and i told juju too much sleep and she'll explode . LOL! planned on starting assigns today but so darn lazy. watched 50 first dates this morning then went for breakfast then watched house. hahaha. evil house is so cute when hes laughing with wilson. anyway, after wins class yesterday we went for movies in iluma, as usual, and we watched shrek forever after. Then went for ice-cream in bugis..then i went to pretty in tokyo with liev for some pics. after that... everyone went home and lived happily ever after. the end. wow how i wish that was true. hahaha. we still have assignments. loads. and he is still a problem i wish to solve. that reminds me.. hahaha. had a pretty awkward moment with the both of them yesterday. seriously. awkward. would it be better if i hadn't known? 

What you got boy, is hard to find
I think about it all the time
Im all strung out my heart is fried
I just cant get you off my mind!

Because your love your love 
your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
Your love your love
your love is my drug
Your love your love your love

Thursday, May 20, 2010


this morning i was ..hyper. but started to get sleepy during class and then.. now i'm just dead tired. shouldnt have read the book. i should have slept. now i'm gonna have to watch tonights house, tomorrow. sighs. another thing that brought me down was his change of.. attitude? i'm not sure what to make of it. somehow he became more distant. i dont understand what is going on now. just feel like crawling to my bed and sleep. my hair is still wet though. to think it'll dry faster now that its short. blekkks.
btw. took pics with liev at bugis just now. cant upload it yet. scanner isnt working. anyway.i guess im off to bed.oh and gary cancelled our class today. thank you gary!!
till the next time..
byee :)


WOOOOOOOOOO!! I was RIGHT!! haha ..somehow i sorta wish it wasnt her but at the same time i kinda knew so. alls right. no wonder shes so cold. 

talked to him last night and..everything is not as complicated anymore i guess. felt better to know then to wonder all the time. 
btw. thank you liev 
hmmm.. i haven't completed winson's work, i am still at home, i am blogging, what else? should i even attend his class today?hahaha..
farm harvested.. off to school? blueekkk!!
till the next time..
byee :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


could it be that.. she likes him too? OMFG!! what if she does? haha. i'm confused!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


haha..assign is boring!
anyway, i'm trying to keep my blog updated with most of what i'm doing so.. here's a note i've just done[not gonna be posted on fb though] :
The person you like runs up and kisses you, your reaction?
How many arguments have you had with the last person you dated?  
not much i think..  
Will you be under the influence of alcohol today?  
Last kiss drunk or sober?  
Do you regret doing anything you've done this week?  
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a R?  
Is there anyone you wish you could be spending time with right now?  
Are you in a relationship with anyone? 
How's your ex doing?  
good i suppose  
Will you be in a relationship in the next six months?  
not sure  
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?  
Will next Friday be a good one?  
Describe your life in one word?  
Do you think age matters in relationship?  
What were you doing at 9:00 am?  
If your best friend needed somewhere to stay could they live with you?  
do you currently have a hickey?  
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice?  
Do you ever think about the past?  
Last night you felt?  
disappointed and sleepy  
What were you doing 1am this morning?  
Were you single on your last birthday?  
When is the last time you had pasta?  
last week  
Have you ever kissed underneath the stars?  
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend drinks?  
What is getting you mad at the moment?  
effin assign  
Which did you discover first, myspace or facebook?  
What is your current mood?  
Name something you have to do tomorrow?  
class =="  
Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? 
Does someone text you goodnight everynight?  
used to  
What do you hear?  
until you were gone-chipmunk  
Do you miss anyone?  
What are you craving at the moment?  
pineapple lollipop  
Do you get distracted easily?  
too easily  
What would you do if you saw the person that you liked right now, kissing somebody else?  
turn around, walk away and tell myself to get over it  
Are you a jealous person?  
What color is your underwear?  
Do you think your life will be different this time next year?  
yeah.gonna be doing degree next year..more assignments =="  
Should you be doing something more important?  
eating lollipop  
Don't tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?  
Did you like anyone last summer?  
Do you believe in love?  
True or false, you have been kissed in the rain:  
Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?  
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?  
did before. never again  
Is your birthday in less than 6 months?  
Have any memories that you'd like to forget?  
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?  
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?  
Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn't around now? yea

this note is familiar. felt like i've done it before, but wth! :)
i cant stop thinking bout you!! DAMN YOU!!!


doing my assign and caught myself thinking bout him. whats wrong with me?


bad news: i'm too damn lazy to start my movie title assignment
good news: due to my lazyness, i'm updating my blog!!  :)

Beautiful girls all over the world
I could be chasing but my time would be wasted
They got nothing on you baby
Nothing on you baby
They might say hi and I might say hey
But you shouldn't worry about what they say
Cos they got nothing on you baby
Nothing on you baby

L♥ving the song ♫

here's the original version:

nice right??
anyway i first heard of this song from juju post on fb! thank you ju!
the mashup version of nothing on you and airplanes by jason and clara.

the original version of airplanes by bob & hayley williams. i think i prefer clara & jason's version. i like clara's voice better as well 

can we pretend that airplanes
in the night sky 
are like shooting stars 
i could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 

l♥ve is .. complicated.

till the next time..
byee :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


just came home from iluma with juju,liev,ren and will. watched robin hood. i like!! russell crowe makes a good robin hood :)
btw, whats the point of you asking me to make a decision when you've already made up your mind? i wish you'd let me know whats going on in your head. i really want the truth. when will you be able to give me that? i wonder.
till the next time..
byee :)

Friday, May 14, 2010


i feel myself falling deeper and deeper in this .. "thing" everyday.  when the time comes, will i be able to pull myself out? sometimes i feel that this.. "thing" is quite pointless, but i am enjoying it at the same time. am i? deep inside i know this wont last, but still.. i want it to last. if possible..i want this never to come to an end. is this confusing? i'm rather confused.

sometimes i wish i could fly. sometimes i wish i could sleep. i could sleep now, but i'm wide awake. what would i be doing if i had wings? i'd probably be walking.

till the next time ..
byee :)


hahahaha..the cuteness

finished shadow of the dark queen this morning :) cant wait to read rise of a merchant prince!!feel like starting now but i'm so sleepy. why am i so sleepy lately? a sign of old age? hahaha! 
gary's class today was..interesting. i'm glad i did not skip to watch robin hood. i guess this is the first class i truly understand what he was talking about. haha. after 2 months of ecommerce :p
argh. but i want to watch robin hood =="

alright! old woman heading off to bed now ..hehe
till the next time ...
byee :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ah, haven't been blogging for ..3 days!!!
So much has happened. well, not so much but quite a lot. Anyway, i have decided to give it a try :)
watched the back-up plan on saturday. wanted to watch on thursday but nobody wanted to watch :(
the show was nice but the irritating bunch of girls next to me. felt like asking them to shut the hell up. lol.

Just done watching this. Not super freaky but.. its alright. some parts are quite boring though. But still.. hmm.. might be doing this for the title opening assign :) 60 seconds.. *think think*
Btw, listen to this :

hahaha.. its been stuck in my head after the show. 

Things to do: 
- think of an idea for title opening *if fail, find another movie*
- head hurting again. fix it.
- watch sherlock holmes tonight.
- finish up the book by friday.
wow. no assign yet. gotta love tuesdays!  not looking forward to tomorrow though. sighs.
till the next time..
byee :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


i am quite lost right now. have i done the right thing? listening to my heart instead of my head.. sighs. 
anyway, went to johor this morning to get my license :) not that it matters much ..cant drive in sg anyway.. haha.  hmmm.. head filled with questions. what should i do?

till the next time..
byee :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


not a very good tuesday. nauseous since morning and ..i thought i had to submit maya work tomorrow so.. blah. i should've checked. but whatever right.. argh. just so .. argh now. whats worse, that biatch is back. wtf!
calm down.. ... ARGH!!!
anyway.. monday. we had some kinda mini test. winson tested us on our flash. big thanks to juju, sis, liev and ren! :)
mel doesn't look as cute anymore. sighs.
still ARGH! .......
till the next time..
byee :(

Sunday, May 2, 2010


polaroid taken by liev .. thank you! <3
i <3 fries ..haha
~ juju's slippers ~
juju and her slippers!!
fun things at kiddy pool!! 

a piece of art by the pool.© by juju and eunice.

ipron man 2 !! lol. dad wanted to watch ip man and i wanted iron man, so we watched both of them yesterday. yes, watched ip man 2 again! haha. surprisingly, i still find the fighting parts cool and this time i really detest twister. arsehole! :p

i want an iron man suit!! but if it comes together with robert downey jr .. well, i dont mind ;)
2 hours is definitely not enough for this movie. for me, the squeezing of scenes were pretty obvious. nevertheless, i love the show :) ..people say the second one is better than the first? i want to watch the first one! liev.. do you have? 
anyway.. enough typing, right hand still hurts T_T
and i should probably get started on maya right now .. damn maya..
till the next time....
byee :)


Happy 1st of May everyone!! :)

Yesterday's Events:
Had BBQ at juju's hse!! super tired afterwards but it was fun :) 
btw. JUJU, I <3 THE SWIMMING POOLS - especially the kiddy pool :p

Woke up at 8am. Yes, 8am on a non-classing day ==" went market with mummy then came home and took some pics of the cupcakes mummy made

100 yummylicious cupcakes <3

then went to acsi with mummy then walk to holland v. but ... before even reaching holland v, slipper broke.. ==" bad luck much? anyway, got to buona vista then waited for mrt for 4mins, then another 4mins to reach. sorry liev and juju for making the both of you wait >.< !! we went McD for lunch!! packed with students but we managed to get a place. I FINISHED A PACKED OF FRIES ALL ON MY OWN!! 
will post pics later :)
we then went shopping for extra bbq and brownie stuffs, then back to bus station to wait for lau, sis and will :)
it turns out that juju's oven.. its not an oven >< .. so instead of baked brownies, we had fried brownies. haha. first batch was.. gummy, second almost the same, but the third was good, the last one.. had some nice part.. some gummy part.. some uncooked part and some burnt part. lol. 
anyway, i'll continue blogging tomorrow.
till the next time..
byee :) 

Friday, April 30, 2010


lollipop :) *yummmmmm* 

IP Man 2 today! Not bad actually. Felt like learning "wing chun" just now. hahaha. but some parts of the mov was quite ..hmmm.. fake. not very.. OMGish. but still.. 

xiaoming huang <3

hehe.. you should definitely watch it! ip man's student, leung wong(xiaoming huang) cutenesss!! <3 hehehe... eh. wait. thats not the point!! the point is.. AH OMGEEEE he is cuteeeee!! just watch the show! cool kungfu moves + cute guy + overall, its not a bad show :)

tomorrow is BBQ day!!!! hehehe.. my first BBQ in singapore!! YAAAAAYYYYY!!! eh wait. its today !! OMFG!! ITS TODAY!!!! YYYYYAAAAAYYYYY!!!! hahahahahahaha.. omgeeee.. i should probably get some sleep now. 

p.s. lolli doesnt like lollipops. hahaha!
till the next time 
byeee :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010


just done watching "sky of love (koizora)" ..
he is super cute!!! <3 

mmm.. teenagers in love. poor hiro dies of cancer.. super supportive yu.. i think its all a bit too much. but its alright, i find it better than  "the art of seducing" ..
haha.. twirling the lollipop with her evil grin .. nice!

jer's class was canceled and as expected, the school didnt even call to inform us ~
in the end, ju,lau,liev,ren, dian, and i went 313 to collect liev's dvds. thats when i bought these two dvds.. and thats also when i realized i forgot to ask for money from mummy !!! had to borrow $10 from liev .. ==" im getting more and more forgetful .. is this the sign of aging? HAHA!! 
ow, i had another one today. maafkan aku chippy!! bukan semua salahku!! it was there and i was tempted.. it is "its" fault!! hehe.. i know you're smiling now arent you! hahaha :) once this is.. finished, wont get another so soon. pwomise :p
am i ready to face lolli again? so soon? haha.
alright, i'm off to bed.
till the next time....
byee :)