Sunday, May 2, 2010


Happy 1st of May everyone!! :)

Yesterday's Events:
Had BBQ at juju's hse!! super tired afterwards but it was fun :) 
btw. JUJU, I <3 THE SWIMMING POOLS - especially the kiddy pool :p

Woke up at 8am. Yes, 8am on a non-classing day ==" went market with mummy then came home and took some pics of the cupcakes mummy made

100 yummylicious cupcakes <3

then went to acsi with mummy then walk to holland v. but ... before even reaching holland v, slipper broke.. ==" bad luck much? anyway, got to buona vista then waited for mrt for 4mins, then another 4mins to reach. sorry liev and juju for making the both of you wait >.< !! we went McD for lunch!! packed with students but we managed to get a place. I FINISHED A PACKED OF FRIES ALL ON MY OWN!! 
will post pics later :)
we then went shopping for extra bbq and brownie stuffs, then back to bus station to wait for lau, sis and will :)
it turns out that juju's oven.. its not an oven >< .. so instead of baked brownies, we had fried brownies. haha. first batch was.. gummy, second almost the same, but the third was good, the last one.. had some nice part.. some gummy part.. some uncooked part and some burnt part. lol. 
anyway, i'll continue blogging tomorrow.
till the next time..
byee :) 


  1. i tot u'd bring cupcakes for us..? ==;; SO BAD!

  2. haha..thursday wanted to bring but none of u wanted so nvr bring lo~
